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Welcome to medicor pharmacy
Focus on Purity and Quality
Our Mission
Our mission at ADHD in Adults is to educate primary care providers on the screening, diagnosis and care of adult patients with ADHD. It is only recently that ADHD in Adults has been recognized as a legitimate disorder that begins in childhood, and almost 70 to 90% of the time, continues into young adulthood. There are millions of adults in the United States with ADHD and many have been diagnosed and treated. ADHD is a serious disorder that, untreated, can wreak havoc on families, results in high rates of divorce, job loss, life-threatening accidents, and lower achievement levels and income. The annual economic cost of ADHD, in absenteeism and lost productivity has been estimated to be about $100 billion per year.
Pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical treatments have been researched, developed into protocols, and proven safe. Our goal is to now bring the screening, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD into the primary care office where the broadest number of patients can be treated efficaciously.
ADHD in Adults is made up of significant contributions from three major organizations.
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